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†Sacred Order of Knights†

Avalon's Duties and Positions

"King": Leader of the Sacred Order. Supreme Ruler of Avalon. Settles all matter's in the realm.

"Chief Advisor": The Kings valued Second-in-Command. In matters of the Realm it becomes necessary to have two or more figureheads to rely on in decision making. The Chief Advisor position is appointed by the King and thus has all his power.

"Lord": Shall lead their own individual Castle's. They are responsible for recruiting members into there respective castles, as well as member training. An active role is a must for the members selected for this position. Research's and test's new team strategies. They are to advise the King and Chief Advisors of all issues regarding his/her castle.

"Duke": Ambassadors of Avalon! Dukes are intrusted with setting alliances with other clan's. He/She will also mediate any problems with other Clan's. He/She shall be a trusted Advisor to the King. Training and tournament's are also duties and events the Duke shall be asked to help with by the King.

"Knight": Provides training and guidance for their respective castle members. All knights shall work with the Castle Lord's on designing and testing teamwork and perfecting individual strategies.

"Squire": Are given less responsibilities. This can be any task given to them by the Castle Lord. By completing these tasks you increase your possibility of promotion.

"Page": In order to advance to this rank you must join a Castle. This is the rank you are given once you are accepted into a Castle. You must maintain your activity and show good attitude, team play, and gaming ethics to get to the next level.

"Serf": Trains and prepares to enter a Castle as a valuable member. These are also members that have not entered or been recruited into a Castle. This is the highest rank achieved without gaining access to a Castle.

"Peasant": This is the official Recruit rank. This is the position in which you must show your online activity and desire to gain official acceptance into the Sacred Order of Knights. This requires you to pick 1 "Knight of the Round Table" as Sponsor. Each recruit must satisfy activity and desire to be inducted into SOK.

"Other Realm Positions"

"Knights of the Round Table": These members that wear the title of "Knight of the Round Table" are a chosen few that embody the true meaning and excellence of SOK. They are the represatives of the Realms Castles. These are the most active and fearless warriors that are intrusted to protect the Realm against all odds friend or foe. These are the men that sit at the left and right hand in the Kings Court, the guardians of the crown. These men are the SPONSERS to all New Recruits. You must pick one for sponsorship.

"Recruiting Officer": Keep's track of New Recruit's and advises the King when probation periods expire so that promotions can be given. Receives and advises the King about possible advancement of Castle members, at which time the King will discuss it with the Castle Lord. Keeps track of important information such as members join dates, advancement dates and such.

"Master@Arms": He/She will be SOK’s investigator and arbitrator. He/She will look into matters involving Citizens of the Realm either wronging each other or non citizens of the Realm. The Master@Arms will be ranked only second to the King, and answers to no one aside from the King. He/She will be looked upon as the Law Enforcement Officer of the Realm.