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†Sacred Order of Knights†

The Realm Of Avalon's Laws

Article I: "In Fealty to thy King, and loyalty to your Castle, your vows declare you to be obedient and respectful toward those chosen by your peers: Our Lords who lead our armies in battle, Our Dukes who represent our words to others, and those who by Our command or Castle directive possess title or rank above you. Your Castle is your GAMING life and your King and KORT is the Law.

Article II: "We hold together by a commonality of purpose, shared goals, and by necessity, in defense of the Realm. As such, I declare these things to be forbidden by SOK’s Law: to belittle or harass, provoke, incite, or bait, for any reason, your fellow members or any individuals who may be present. We must mesh our collective strengths and weaknesses; promote exchanges of ideas and experiences, to prevail in our purpose, our shared goals, and in defense of the realm. To do less is to diminish Honor."

Article III: "Casualty or Mayhem inflicted upon fellow Castle members, Citizens of the Realm, Diplomacy or Castle directive, unless proscribed in battle training, is prohibited by Law."

Article IV: "Honor and Duty through Fealty to your King means you are Loyal to your King, your Castle and the Realm. The highest crime is Treason. Treason is any action contrary to King's Law or Castle directive, Refusing any order from those higher in rank, whether in Peace or War. Traitors are to be publicly proclaimed to be Exiled, cast out from Castle and Kingdom."

Article V: "To meet our purpose, reach our goals, and provide for our defenses; We must sustain our battle readiness, provide security and well being for our citizenry, promote growth, and provide for a healthy economy. Each citizen of the realm shall provide to the realm a portion of their skills, through adventure or misadventure, to the Treasury of the Kingdom. By adding to the Kingdom's wealth, you make it possible for the kingdom to help any of our members in times of need. All will benefit and the Kingdom will Prosper."

Article VI: "Appraise your King and your Lord of your accomplishments, discoveries, and explorations throughout the realms. Should disputes or feuds arise with other members of other castles or kingdoms: petition your Lord for redress and direction. Share your problem with the Master@Arms , it will be his job to help settle any disputes among members"

Article VII: "Represent your King and your Castle with Honor towards others in the Realms. Your words and conduct should promote Avalon in a positive light. Shun unfair advantage in combat. Take only what is your fair share of any grouping. Donate that which you don't need to your fellow members."

Article VIII: "Provide no information of any kind, to any other that seeks to delve into our private inner workings. Seek no independent alliances that may diminish our Honor in the eyes of others. Refer all contacts or requests for information to the King or your Lord."

Article IX: "Above all, be true to your fellow citizens, their feelings, their motivations, their interactions with others in the realm. Allow yourself room to become more than what you imagine yourself to be. But remember it is only a game and don't take anything from the game back to the real world."

Article X: "When asked to appear in a King's Council, an Agenda will be announced, and each shall speak when asked to do so by the King. Everyone is encouraged to participate in matters of State. A strong Citizenry makes a strong Realm. When asked, put forth your ideas or opinions as simply as possible. Do not argue or interrupt anyone who is speaking. To do so shall cause your loss of Council attendance and the Council’s ear. Hold your thoughts and opinions till all have had their say. You may then petition (through private tell) for further audience at the King's or your Lord's discretion."

Article XI: "For protection of the Realm from Tyranny, it has become necessary to adopt a Revolt Act. If at any time the King’s or a Lord’s judgment has allegedly been compromised, by internal forces or external, he/she can be removed. The King shall be removed with unanimous Vote from KORT, and 2/3rds majority from the Realm. Any member can petition his or her Lord to Revolt against the King. A Lord shall be removed by unanimous Vote by the pending Castle and a 2/3rds majority Vote from KORT."

Article XII: "To speed matters of decision making, the King will decide, with the opinions of his Advisors (KORT), on any pending issues in which the good of the Realm is at stake. However, any decision made by the King can be overturned by a 2/3rds majority Vote from KORT."